Friday, October 4, 2013

Engagement Rings Dallas TX

Engagement Rings in Dallas TX

Recently while I was visiting a Cash for Gold store that buys engagement rings I met a guy name Roderick that came their to buy one of the diamonds that the store had purchased from one of their customers. He came up to me and said "I like that website you built them". I said thanks, and then he asked me if I could build him an app for a diamond calculator? I said yes, texted him a few times, and he never replied when I asked him about what his website was. Later that night I decided to give him a call. I asked him what he did, and about his website. Come to find out the guy is from the diamond mines of South Africa, and has been living in and designing engagement rings in Dallas TX.engagement rings in Dallas TX. I thought that he was a real great guy but when I looked at his website I could tell he was not getting any traffic or referrals for his diamond So far we have bought and sold a few diamonds and it has only been a few weeks. I look forward to the potential, however the competition for diamond jewelers in Dallas on the internet is pretty fierce. Bottom line is, I will do the best I can do for him, and if people knew how successful and what a bargain they would be getting from going straight to the source of the diamond dealer then we stand a good chance. Anyways, if any body lives in Dallas and needs a great deal on diamond jewelry or an engagement ring contact my friend Roderick. Below is his contact information.
He is an actual diamond cutter. I had never met anyone that was a diamond cutter. He said he specializes in customizing and cutting diamond jewelry and diamond

Contact Information:
Diamond Exchange Dallas
5757 Alpha Rd. #502
Dallas, TX 75240
He has been importing and cutting diamonds for over 25 years, can get diamonds cheaper than anyone, and actually cuts the diamonds.  I was like, lets partner up, because you are Dallas best kept secret for diamond jewelry.  I told him I wouldn't charge him anything to build

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